The main goal of our LMS is to easily access it through all devices, which can be a laptop, mobile phone, tablet both on iOS and Android. You can access our LMS online and offline.
It’s very quick and simple to download the materials for offline usage and proceed with your learning even without the internet. Some of the content can even be printed. LMS consists of a bunch of books from which pilots gains their theoretical experiences.
Also, you will get access for all of the checklists from aircraft to tests, which student fill in at home and upload it back to LMS for their instructor to check. In other words, learners are able to teach themselves in advance and then be more prepared for their ground lessons. Their knowledge can be increased by reading all of the learning materials which are preselect by instructors. The ground instructor will assign a group of students or individual student to some new learning objects with a completion date and precisely track students progress.
Content inside LMS is created by certified pilots with plenty of worldwide experience. All the information covers necessary learning materials for distance learning right in your home in calm conditions.
Moreover, the structure of LMS and learning materials follows FAA and EASA requirements. LMS is constantly updating on a daily basis.
And last but not least, LMS will prepare the student for their final exams.
Study hard, aviators!